Google blogger has released new version on 14-nov-2019

Now blogger Blogspot has announced updated

Google blogger now released newly updated
announced and developed new features.

Try the new blogger

How to update your new blogger

  1. Go to the blogger dashboard.
  2. You will find a button Try the new blogger.
  3. Click on it.
  4. You will get notify like blogger is gradually introducing some fresh pages that wok well on mobile keeps an eye out in the coming months these are rolled out. to start, check status, comments, and theme.
  5. Click on the continue button.
  6. Check the latest updates.

What are the features updates

  • Theme tab
  • Stats tab
  • Supports excellent in the mobile version
  • You can also edit Html in the mobile version
  • You can also post articles through mobile versions and more

Which tabs are updated

  • status
  • comments
  • theme

new theme tab
new theme tab

new theme tab
new edit Html tab

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